The West Virginia Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society hosts annual trainings and workshops bringing in local and regional experts to discuss the most up to date information on natural resource concerns in West Virginia for a diverse audience including local, state, and federal government, non-profit, and private sector employees. Please see below for the current list of upcoming events:
May 12, 2016
Location: Search Google or Apple Maps: Gibson, Bruceton Mills, WV
Registration: $10 for members, $20 for non-members. RSVP by May 6th.
CEUS APPROVED: 6 Hrs. of Nutrient Management CEUs, 6 Hrs. of Conservation Planning CEUs
WV P-Index on Crop Field & Setback Determination from Perennial, Intermitten Surface Streams and Roads
Using a Handheld GPS unit to Develop Shapefiles in the Field
Mason Run Farm MMP Planning Process, Farmer and Planners Perspectives
Strategic Soil Sampling to Track Soil Fertility in Corn Alfalfa Crop Fields
RUSLE, Field Determination Process, Data Collection on Pasture and Crop Fields
RUSLE, Part 2 Equipment, Special Field Features, Harvest and Tillage Considerations
**Lunch and refreshments will be provided**
West Virginia Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society Fall Meeting
November 17, 2015
Location: Eastern Community College OR South Branch Inn, Moorefield, WV
Registration: $5 for members, $10 for non-members. RSVP by November 13th.
.Email Jamey Darlington, Send check, made payable to WV SWCS, to Jamey Darlington, 133 Hickory Hill Road, Jane Lew, WV 26378
*Note: Registration is first come, first serve. Seating is limited.
CEUS APPROVED: 4.5 Hrs. of Nutrient Management CEUs, 6 Hrs. of Conservation Planning CEUs, 2 Hrs. Category 1-CF credits from Society of American Foresters
**Attendees are responsible for their own lunch. Light morning refreshments will be provided**
December 1st and 2nd in Morgantown USDA State Office
December 8th and 9th in Beckley, USDA South Area Office
LUNCH: $5 per person per day or brign your own lunch.
CEUS APPROVED: 12 Credit Hours for BOTH days
Click below to read full Announcement